

        Focus on the design concept and technology of the ball valve

        Employee Benefits
        (1) Paying social insurance for employees and depositing housing provident fund;
        (2) Organizing company employees to travel to nearby areas for public travel;
        (3) Enjoy vacations such as paid annual leave, family leave, marriage leave, maternity leave, etc.
        (4) Enjoy high-temperature materials, wedding red envelopes, birth red envelopes, children's college red envelopes, monthly team awards, etc.
        (5) Accommodation
           Field staff: 2 people in a dormitory, with water heaters, air conditioners, writing desks, chairs, beds, wardrobes, internet to the room.
            Supervisor, manager, director: single room, fully equipped; or corresponding standard housing subsidy.
        (6) Foreign employees return home to reimbursement for round-trip travel expenses (one year's work or more), and those who have not worked in the company for more than one year are reimbursed one-way.
        (7) Physical examination: Regularly organize employee health checkups.
        (8) Holiday gifts: Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival, Women's Day, Birthday, etc., the company has corresponding gift delivery.
        (9) Philanthropy: Set up a charity fund to provide assistance to employees with difficulties, organize fundraising activities, and launch collective efforts to help employees tide over difficulties.
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        Copyright ? Zhejiang Tongli Transmission Technology Co., Ltd 2019 . All Rights Reserved

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