

        Focus on the design concept and technology of the ball valve

              Product Description

          SJ series worm screw elevator is widely used in machinery, metallurgy, construction, water conservancy equipment and other industries. It has many functions such as lifting, lowering, pushing, turning and various height position adjustment with the help of auxiliary parts. SJ worm screw elevator is a kind of basic lifting parts, which has the advantages of compact structure, small volume, light weight, wide power source, low noise, convenient installation, flexible use, multiple supporting forms, high reliability, long service life, etc. It can be used individually or in combination, or manually. It has different structural forms and assembly forms, and the lifting height can be customized according to the requirements of users.

        Linear Speed: 75~3600mm/min
        Lift Speed: UP TO 26050kg
        Input Power: 0.19~16.27kW
        Mounting Positions:

        Double tubes perpendicularity model、Double tubes handstand model、Lock perpendicularity model、Lock handstand model、Circumrotate perpendicularity model、Circumrotate handstand model

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