

        Focus on the design concept and technology of the ball valve

        Our company will exhibit: The 57th Czech International Machinery Expo

        Dear old and new customers:

        The 57th Czech International Machinery Fair will be held on September 14-18, 2015 at the Brno International Exhibition Center in Czech Republic. At that time, our company will bring a variety of new and old products to the exhibition again. Welcome friends and colleagues who support and care for KONE to visit and guide. Booth No.: Hall 109A.

        Since its inception in 1959, the Czech Brno International Machinery Fair has become a famous exhibition in Europe and is the most important international event of the city of Brno every year. Leading companies in the world of industrial equipment manufacturing come together every year to showcase the most advanced technology, the best products and the most cutting-edge ideas. This year's Czech Brno International Machinery Fair includes four major exhibitions, namely electromechanical engineering, industrial automation, transportation logistics and environmental protection technology.

        China participated in the industrial fair as a “partner country” and established the “China Pavilion”. The exhibitors participated in the exhibition for six consecutive years and achieved good results. The products involved mainly include the machine tool industry, fluid transmission and mechanical transmission, various large-scale machinery such as plastic machinery, casting and forging products, metal processing products, welding products, mechanical and electronic products.

        The following is the detailed information of our company's participation. Welcome new and old customers to visit and negotiate.







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