

        Focus on the design concept and technology of the ball valve

        Our company will once again appear at Zhengzhou International Exhibition

        China Grain and Oil Processing Equipment and Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Industry Expo

        Address: Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center

        Time: September 13-14, 2015

        Booth No.: T027, Hall D

        Sales hotline: 0577-65591111

        Welcome new and old customers to visit and exchange.

        At present, China's grain industry is in the midst of a major shift in economic slowdown, major adjustments in industrial structure, major challenges in circulation, and major developments in e-commerce. The positioning and upgrading of the grain industry, the direct sales model of products, and the construction of financing platforms all need to be reviewed and optimized. The National Agricultural Products Processing Technology R&D System Grain Processing Professional Committee, in order to implement the scientific development concept, establish a platform for demonstrating results, dialogue and exchanges, and win-win cooperation between enterprises and R&D institutions, so that China's grain processing and food industry can be safe, nutritious, The efficient and continuous road will develop rapidly and steadily, promote industrial upgrading, and achieve a win-win situation for both economic and social benefits. Therefore, the “2015 China Grain and Oil Processing Equipment and Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Industry Expo” will be held from September 13th to 14th. This is a big gathering of friends and family in the industry, and the best time to understand the market, so we can't miss it!

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