

        Focus on the design concept and technology of the ball valve

        The fourth council of the third session of Ruian Machinery and Electronics Industry Association was held in KONE

        On the afternoon of April 27th, the fourth council of the third session of Ruian Machinery & Electronics Industry Association was held in the conference room on the second floor of our company. The deputy general manager of the project participated in the meeting.

            At the meeting, President Chen Xiaoyu gave a brief review of the work of the Association in 2017. President Chen said that in 2017, the Rui'an Electronic Industry Association adhered to the key tasks set by the three-time three-member general meeting and insisted on the party's 18th and 19th National Congress. The spirit is the guide, follow the new development concept, take the reform and innovation as the driving force, focus on implementing the strategy of strengthening the country and the "13th Five-Year Plan" mission, adhere to the service industry and its own construction, and strive to achieve double promotion and double promotion, and have achieved certain Results.

             President Chen pointed out that in 2018, guided by Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, with the goal of implementing the "13th Five-Year Plan" industry development plan and achieving high-quality development, we must adhere to innovation-driven, quality-enhanced, open, upgrade, and coordination. Development, focus on steady growth, adjust structure, transfer methods, fill short boards, improve quality, increase efficiency, promote industry transformation and upgrading, and lay a solid foundation for the development of the industry from large to strong.

            Before the meeting, all the directors visited the company exhibition hall, gear workshop and machining workshop with interest. Chairman Xiang Jianzhong accompanied the delegation and introduced the KONE to the participants in the past few years in terms of technological innovation, equipment investment, management upgrade and so on. The achievements will be: Future KONE will work with colleagues in the machinery industry in the city to remember the original heart, keep in mind the mission, strive for progress, build a mechanical power, and make its own contribution to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

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