

        Focus on the design concept and technology of the ball valve

        Our company participated in IE expo China 2019 20th China International Expo

        In recent days, our company is participating in the 20th China International Expo Expo of IE expo China 2019. This round of the Expo will bring the latest products and cutting-edge technical solutions to the audience and customers.

        According to feedback, many old customers were invited to visit our booth to learn about the latest products and discuss cooperation matters. Many new customers and new faces have a strong interest in our products. Stop at our booth and observe them. The company's products and services, and the contact with our staff to stay in contact with each other for further communication and cooperation after the meeting.

        This China Environmental Expo focuses on the display and exchange of environmental protection solutions for many environmental pollution treatments such as water, solid waste, atmosphere and soil. It is the preferred display and exchange platform for global environmental mainstream brands and leading companies, and is also the flagship environmental protection event in Asia. Participating in this fair will help our company to show our latest products and technical solutions to the most mainstream manufacturers and integrate them into the most cutting-edge markets, which will help to enhance our company's popularity and market share.

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