

        Focus on the design concept and technology of the ball valve

        Chongqing University and our company held a "school-enterprise cooperation" signing ceremony

        Through the full communication and communication between the two parties in the early stage, under the active preparation of our company and the School of Mechanical Engineering of Chongqing University, this morning, in the morning of the Tongli Research Institute Building, School of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University, based on the principle of resource sharing, complementary advantages and mutual benefit. Prof. Tang Baoping, Associate Dean, accompanied Wei Jing, a senior professor of the college, to attend the signing ceremony of the school-enterprise cooperation and signed a “school-enterprise cooperation agreement” with our company. Mr. Xiang Jianzhong, Chairman of the Board of Directors, attended the signing ceremony with Liu Zhihong, Chief Engineer of Technology, Chen Ronghua, Vice President of Sales, and Yu Qinqiao, Vice President of Production.


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