

        Focus on the design concept and technology of the ball valve

        Ningbo Jiangbei District Chamber of Commerce and Industry delegation visited KONE

        This afternoon, a delegation of more than 20 people from the Jiangbei District Chamber of Commerce and Industry, led by the Party Secretary of the Jiangbei District Federation of Industry and Commerce and the vice president of the District Chamber of Commerce and Industry, led a team to visit the company to investigate the construction of clean and honest enterprises. Huang Wei, secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, accompanied the inspection. Our general manager assistant Xiang Chunjian warmly received the visiting guests at the company headquarters.

        The delegation first visited the company's exhibition hall to get an overview of KONE's development history, party building work, daily management and major products and processes, and affirmed the company's corporate culture display. Then, the delegation and the delegation led by the commentator went to the "Petaceous Court", the main propaganda position for the construction of clean and honest enterprises. We listened in detail to the introduction of the instructors' work on the construction of clean and honest enterprises, including the construction of clean and honest enterprises. The overall concept and partial framework, etc., and on the scene one by one to watch the display of my clean and private enterprise construction work. Secretary Zhai said that the construction of our company's "Lian Xin Yuan" has a good enlightening significance for its investigation work.

        After visiting the "Lianxin Court", the delegation and the delegation visited the leaders of the Ruian City Federation of Industry and Commerce and the relevant staff of our company. At the meeting, on behalf of the Ruian City Federation of Industry and Commerce, Mr. Huang expressed warm welcome to the delegation and visited the delegation. He shared the ideas and experience of the construction of clean and private enterprises in Ruian City. He hoped that the experience of Ruian’s clean and private enterprise construction will help the delegation. Reference and reference. In this regard, Secretary Zhai expressed gratitude and approval, and said that they will bring Ryan's investigation experience and harvest back to Ningbo Jiangbei.

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